2024年12月29日,重庆理工大学理学院教授、硕士生导师、重庆英才.创新创业领军人才周志昂教授应邀来学院作“Scalarization and Optimality Conditions of E-Globally Proper Efficient Solution for Set-Valued Equilibrium Problem”学术讲座,周教授全程用英文开展讲解。学院部分教师、学术型研究生聆听了报告。

In this talk, he introduced the notion of E-globally proper efficient solution for set-valued equilibrium problems with constraints in locally convex Hausdorff topological spaces, and derived the linear scalarization theorems of E-globally proper efficient solution. Finally, under suitable the assumptions, he presented Kuhn–Tucker and Lagrange optimality conditions for set-valued equilibrium problems with constraints in the sense of E-globally proper efficiency.