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2020年系列学术活动(第16场):常振海副教授 天水师范学院

2020年09月09日 17:20  点击:[]

       报告题目:A generative model for exploring structure regularities in attributed networks


        间:20209 111500-1600

        : 腾讯会议

   号:939 243 580


报告摘要:Many real-world networks known as attributed networks contain two types of information: topology information and node attributes. It is a challenging task on how to use these two types of information to explore structural regularities. Here, by characterizing the potential relationship between communities of links and node attributes, a principled statistical model named PSB_PG that generates link topology and node attributes is proposed. This model for generating links is based on the stochastic blockmodels following a Poisson distribution. Therefore, it is capable of detecting a wide range of network structures including community structures, bipartite structures, and other mixture structures. The model for generating node attributes assumes that node attributes are high-dimensional, sparse, and also follow a Poisson distribution. This makes the model be uniform, and the model parameters can be directly estimated by the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. Experimental results on artificial networks and real net- works containing various structures have shown that the proposed model PSB_PG is not only competitive with the state-of-the-art models, but also provides a good semantic interpretation for each community via the learned relationship between the community and its related attributes.

主讲人简介:常振海,男,博士(中央财经大学统计学院数理统计专业),现为天水师范学院数学与统计学院教师,副教授,主要研究方向为:聚类分析、复杂网络分析、统计推断等。目前已在Physica A, Information Sciences等国际国内学术期刊发表论文近20篇。




